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Company Rebrand


Already a pioneer in the remote workspace, Upwork was uniquely positioned during the pandemic in a way most companies were not; they were needed more than ever. Strategically partnering with New York agency Porto Rocha, they seized the opportunity to craft a new brand identity that would fortify them as a leader in the work marketplace. 

I was brought on as part of a small but stealthy team of designers to ingest, implement and safeguard the robust identity system that Porto Rocha had crafted, applying the new look across all the company's existing assets, from presentation templates to publications. 


In addition, our team then had the opportunity to work on expanding the creative reach of Upwork by crafting unique outreach items that spotlight the breadth of talent on our platform, spanning packaging, web design and bespoke print publications.

We'reLooingFor_IG copy.png
Presentation mokcup1_2x.png
CaseStudies copy.png
Subway Poster Mockup_textonly.png
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